てぃーだブログ › ナマコのまなこ › 研究成果 › 2019年に話したこと




②Diversities of sea cucumber foodways in Asia: Sea cucumbers in Asian history and the contemporary world. Knowledge, Materiality, and Environment in Transpacific Histories of Oceanic Transformation, at Work, Humboldt University, Berlin, on April 11, 2019.
④Resumption of coastal whaling in Japan. The Resilience of Coastal Livelihoods, The Politics and Pitfalls of Maritime Governance, at Aberdeen University, on June 18, 2019.
⑤Coastal whaling revisited: Whale meat foodways in Japan and Norway. Association for the Study of Food and Society and the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society 2019 Conference, at The University of Alaska Anchorage, on June 28, 2019.
⑥Sensory and texture: How to appreciate whale meat foodways in Japan as a local dish. Sensory, Memory and Identity, Heritage and Politics of Culture. ICAS 11, at Kamerlingh Onnes B0.13, University of Leiden, on July 17, 2019.
⑦「提案45:イシナマコ類3種ーーEU, Kenya, Senegal, Seychelles & USA」GGTフォーラムCITES報告会、@航空会館、2019年9月27日。
⑧Sea cucumbers in Asian history: Call for sustainable use for the future. The 3rd Int’l Conference on Applied Marine Science & Fisheries Technologies (MSFT) 2019, at Grand Vilia Hotel, Langgul, Kei Kecil, Maluku, Indonesia, on Oct. 10, 2019.
Cishen and guangshen: Changing sea sucumber foodways in Southeast Asia. 2019 International Conference on Chinese Food Culture, Viet Nam National Institute of Culture and Arts Studies, Hanoi, Vietnam, on October 15, 2019.
⑩The status of matsutake production and trade in Japan IWEMM10 (The 10th International Workshop on Edible Mycorrhizal Mushrooms RAKO Hananoi Hotel, Suwa City, on October 21, 2019.
⑪Whale and orangutan: A possible link between whale oil and palm oil. Into a New Epoch: Capitalist Nature in the Plantationocene, at CSEAS, Kyoto University, October 25, 2019.
⑫対談 「アナ・チンの『マツタケ』をめぐって」× 辻陽介(Hagazine編集人)、シンポジウム「モア・ザン・ヒューマン」(第33回マルチスピーシーズ人類学研究会)、立教大学本館1203、2019年12月8日。
⑭「『捕鯨の人類史的理解』を目指して」、J-ARC Net プロジェクト(Zoom/Skype)、2019年12月18日。

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